When buying a property in Spain, our team of tax lawyers and accountants will guide you and solve all your queries and doubts that may arise in the tax field.

As real estate buyer’s agents in Spain, our goal is being the one stop shop that will give you the full assistance in sorting out any kind of doubt or concern in your purchase process decision.

Our tax lawyers have participated in hundreds of transactions related with the purchase of real estates in Spain by foreign and non-resident clients.

Mr. Marc Marsal, Charfort’s co-founder and lawyer leading our tax team has indeed given lessons in Spanish universities specially addressed to Spanish Real Estate Agents and in the field of taxation on real estates.

We are active members in different international associations of lawyers and accountants in which we take part. Thanks to that, and if being necessary, we can also put you in contact and coordinate together with our counterparts in other countries, to carry out the proper international tax planning in connection with your projected acquisition of real estates in Spain.

Taxation in connection with real estates is always an important aspect to take into account before moving forward with the real estate acquisition in Spain, because of aspects such as the following ones :


At Charfort Real Estate Buyer’s Agents in Spain, we clearly understand how important it is for you this decision of buying a property in Spain, and that is why an important matter as taxation is, will be always properly handled and advised by our team of professionals.

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